
Culture, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Comprised of Lathrop GPM’s Managing Partner and appointed partners, firm administrative leaders, and staff members, Lathrop GPM’s Culture, Diversity & Inclusion (CD&I) Committee has representation and support throughout the firm's footprint. 

The committee works to foster an atmosphere of inclusion, and monitors diverse attorney and staff recruitment, advancement, and retention. It focuses on long-range goals and CD&I plan implementation, with an emphasis on elevating firm-wide cultural competency, increasing opportunities for underrepresented attorneys and staff, and growing implicit bias understanding. By tracking accountable progress towards the firm’s comprehensive CD&I strategy, the committee encourages, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our employees, and connects Lathrop GPM closer to our clients and communities.   

Committee Leadership

Bryan Minier

Partner | Chicago 

Jehan Moore

Partner | Kansas City

Committee Members 

Mara Cohara

Partner | Kansas City

Brian Dillon

Partner | Minneapolis

Fran Flores

LAA | Minneapolis

Bill Ford

Partner | Kansas City

Maisa Jean Frank

Partner | Washington, D.C.

David Frye

Partner | Kansas City

Cameron Garrison

Managing Partner | Kansas City

Rachel Orr

Partner | Kansas City

Julia Reiland

Partner | Minneapolis

Justin Sallis

Partner | Washington, D.C.

Shoshanah Shanes

Associate | St. Louis

Shelly Tickel

Director - Compensation | Kansas City

Vanessa Vaughn West

Chief Culture, Diversity & Engagement Officer |
Kansas City 

For more information:
Vanessa Vaughn West
Chief Culture, Diversity & Engagement Officer