Watch our annual discussion of important legal developments that affect employers, which include:
- New legislation and regulations for 2024, including changes in the paid sick leave law, revised rules regarding I-9 documents, amended regulations regarding applicants’ criminal records, a new requirement for workplace violence prevention plans, updates to California law regarding covenants not to compete and other restrictive covenants, and the increase in the California minimum wage
- Wage and hour developments, including court decisions regarding the rounding of time records for non-exempt employees, the application of the “salary basis” test for white collar exemptions, and the payment of final wages upon furlough
- Discrimination, harassment and retaliation developments, including court decisions regarding affirmative action, accommodation of religious beliefs and practices, application of FEHA to employee refusing to receive flu vaccination, and liability for supervisor’s harassment outside the workplace
- Arbitration developments, including new decisions from federal and state courts regarding Assembly Bill 51, the impact of binding arbitration upon claims under the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA), and the importance of timely payment of arbitration fees
- NLRB developments, including the Stericycle, McLaren Macomb, and Lion Elastomers decisions