
M&A Letters of Intent

Live webinar

Speaking Engagement

Buyers and sellers often enter a letter of intent at the start of an M&A deal to outline material terms and establish negotiation parameters. While letters of intent can reduce the time and expense of closing a transaction, letters of intent may also create difficulties for the parties down the road.

In this webinar, you will learn practical tips for negotiating and crafting M&A letters of intent. Among other things, you will learn the answers to these key questions:

  • What are the primary advantages and disadvantages for buyers and sellers contemplating entering a letter of intent?
  • What key terms should be included in letters of intent?
  • What factors do courts typically examine when determining whether to find a letter of intent binding?
  • How can buyers and sellers best protect their interests during letter of intent negotiations?

Join us as Gray Plant Mooty's own Mark Williamson takes us through the art of crafting and negotiating M&A letters of intent.