Is it just me, or has Wisconsin been in the news a lot lately? From politics to sports, the Dairy State has caught the interest of the nation. This week was no different. When a Wisconsin news anchor used air time to address an email that criticized her weight and accused her of being a bad role model, the clip went viral. National news outlets picked up on the story, the anchor appeared on major-network morning shows, and people around the country weighed in on the appropriateness of the email and the problem of cyberbullying in general. Despite the controversy, the email author is standing by his comments.
In other important news, California has become the third state to pass legislation prohibiting employers from obtaining social media login information from its workers. The law prohibits colleges from trying to gain access to students’ social media accounts. Also, as my colleague Megan Anderson posted yesterday, the NLRB has issued its first Facebook firing decision, which came down in favor of the employer.
Technology and the Workplace
Prison Guard Reinstated After Investigation Shows Other Guards Were Friends With Inmate on Facebook (ABA Journal)
Overweight TV Anchor Jennifer Livingston Responds to Viewer “Bully,” Bully Unapologetic (ABC) (ABA Journal) (FOX)
NLRB Sides With Car Dealer in 1st Facebook Firing Decision (Law 360) (National Labor Relations Board)
FDA Wants Employee Email Spying Suit Dismissed (Law 360)
California Enacts Workplace Social Media Protections, NJ Gets Closer (Employer Handbook)(CNET) (Huffington Post)
Technology and the Law
Federal Warrantless Surveillance Has Increased 60% Since 2009, Says ACLU (ABA Journal) (WSJ) (CNET)
Major Banks Hit With Biggest Cyberattacks in History (CNN)
Georgia Mom Sues RadioShack After Daughter Allegedly Finds Porn on Cell Phone (Huffington Post)
Alleged “Hoodlums” Upload Search Engine Optimized Assault Footage to YouTube, Lead Police Right to Them (Above the Law)
Regulators Moving to Strengthen Privacy Rules for Children on the Web (ABA Journal) (NY Times)
There’s an App for That
Facebook Wants You To Pay $7 to Promote Your Posts (CNN)
Palm-Reading App Unlocks Phone With a Wave of the Hand (NBC)
Starbucks iOS App Adds Support for Apple’s Passbook (CNET)
Confident Consumer: Apps Aid Holiday Shopping (USA Today)
The New Essential Apps, September 2012 (Gizmodo)