Reason number 999 why employers don’t want their employees texting at work: it may lead to a very large fire. That is what happened when a New Hampshire civilian worker got an upsetting text from his ex-girlfriend while at work. He wanted to leave early, so he decided to set the dock of a nuclear-powered Navy submarine on fire. No one was injured, and no damage was done to the submarine — this time. But, because he admitted to setting an earlier $400-million-submarine fire, he is now facing two counts of arson and the possibility of life in prison. Looks like he may be getting more time off from work than he bargained for.
In brighter news, the Olympics kick off tonight with the opening ceremony. With the advent of social media, live streaming, and mobile apps, you don’t have to miss a thing. Check out the links below to find the best ways to follow your favorite events.
Technology and the Workplace
Employee Admits to Setting Navy Sub Fire to Get Out of Work Early (NPR) (Fox)
Greek Athlete Suspended from Olympic Team for Offensive Twitter Remark (CNN)
Hipmunk’s “Spite” Feature Lets Users Book Agonizing Travel Itineraries for Bosses (CBS)
Teacher Was Not “Without Authorization” When He Read Co-Worker’s Emails (DE Employment Law Blog)
Technology and the Law
No Contempt Charges Against Sex Assault Victim Whose Tweets Revealed Names of Juvenile Defendants (ABA Journal)
CA Attorney General Announces Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit (CA DOJ) (Above the Law)
Changes Reportedly Make Skype Chats More Accessible to Police (ABA Journal) (CNN)
Senate to Consider Long-Delayed Cybersecurity Act (CBS)
World Leaders Take To Twitter, But New “Twiplomacy” Has Limits (Washington Post)
There’s an App for That
How to Follow the London Olympics Online (CNN)
Twitter Partners With NBC for Olympics Event Page (CBS)
Separating Personal and Professional: There’s an App for That (DE Employment Law Blog) (Chip Chick)
Never Have Trouble Jean Shopping Again (CNN)
Powerful Tools to Learn a Language, or Several (NY Times)
How All of Your iPhone Apps Could Be Hacked At Once (CNN)