As the world prepares this week for the start of the 2014 Winter Olympics, employers are being cautioned to address technology-induced liability. Many Fortune 500 companies have adopted policies banning employees’ use of mobile devices while driving for work to avoid liability for a traffic accident caused by distracted-driving. The importance of workplace internet policies is also in the news this week, with an emphasis on policies that address an employers duty to report child pornography on a work device. You can read below about how to fight against technology-related liability. You can also click on the links below to learn how to team up with technology to track your favorite sports during the Olympic games.
Technology and the Workplace
Employees Using Cellphones And Other Portable Devices While Driving: Should Employers Ban This Completely? (Employment Law Lookout)
Time to Log Off? Take Care When Crafting Workplace Internet Policies (TLNT)
I (don’t) “like” this protected concerted activity (Ohio Employer’s Law Blog)
Disruptive Facebook Posts Warrant Termination (Delaware Employment Law Blog)
Getting back at a departing employee (Tech for HR)
Technology and the Law
Grand jury indicts alleged Silk Road owner (CNN)
How Facebook has changed the way we govern (Washington Post)
The FBI Wants to Buy Some Malware (Mashable)
Is it time to go high tech on the Fourth Amendment? (ABA Journal)
City attorney sued by watchdog group for using private account for work-related emails (ABA Journal)
There’s an App for That
How to Watch and Follow the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony (Mashable)
Adobe Again Teams With NBC For Mobile Olympics App (silicon beat)
4 Sochi 2014 Olympics Apps to Download Before the Games Begin (CIO)
Olympic apps to help you enjoy the games (New Haven Register)
Sochi Olympics 2014: 10 Technologies In Spotlight (Information Week)