Facebook, iMessages, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Confide, MessageMe, Popcorn, Glide, Tango, Viber, Whisper. . . . According to a recent post on the New York Times Bits blog, these are just some of the many different ways to message someone from your smartphone. So, what does this mean for employers? Among other things, it’s probably time to update your technology and social media policy. Yes, again. With all of these mobile methods of communication, employers need to be aware that company information is likely traveling outside of old communication methods and beyond existing controls, and they need to adopt effective practices to protect data. Speaking of protecting your information, the HR Examiner post below provides valuable information about employees who might try to jailbreak their mobile devices. Also, before you react to all these technology complications by limiting technology and requiring employees to handwrite messages, check out the post below that suggests employers encourage their employees to access social media on their phones during the workday as a means of boosting morale.
Technology and the Workplace
Got a “Secret”? Firewalls Are Not Stopping Spread Of Social Media (Connecticut Employment Law Blog)
Employees who social network at work for 20 minutes are happier — and no less productive (Employer Handbook)
Don’t Let Jailbreaking Escape Your BYOD Policy (HR Examiner)
Mind your internal emails to avoid discrimination issues (Ohio Employer’s Law Blog)
Why we put plaintiffs to their proof (Ohio Employer’s Law Blog)
Technology and the Law
In Apple’s healthcare play, will BYOD = Bring Your Own Data? (Venture Beat)
Buying a gun on Facebook takes 15 minutes (Venture Beat)
Will the Supreme Court save us from software patents? (Washington Post)
A Smart Wallet (MoFo Tech)
A Guide to the FDA’s Proposed Social Media Guidance (Health Law & Policy Matters)
There’s an App for That
The Messaging App Wars Are Just Getting Started (NY Times)
Disney launches cloud movie service for mobile, online viewing (Reuters)
Finding the Right App to Unlock Those Creative Juices (NY Times)
Samsung launches Galaxy S5 smartphone (CNN)
First Image Recognition App Coming Soon To Google Glass (Forbes)