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The Modern Workplace

Week in Review
Having a rough week? Be thankful you aren't in the limelight, where technology is waiting to capture your every misstep. From Kate Middleton's topless photos to Mitt Romney's leaked fundraising remarks, nobody seems to be able to catch a break this week. Even Washington Redskins receiver Josh Morgan felt the Twitter-wrath of disappointed fans after his unsportsmanlike conduct penalty arguably contributed to the Redskins' 3-point loss on Sunday. But that doesn't mean these celebrities aren't fighting back. The British royal family has already mounted a privacy lawsuit against the peeping photographer and publishing magazines, Romney supporters are questioning whether the secret recording breached Florida privacy law, and Morgan is speaking out against the threats he received.
In other important news, the NLRB has issued a much watched-for ruling on a social media policy. This is the labor boards first case on the topic following its release of three reports concerning whether, and how, social media policies might interfere with employees Section 7 rights. These rights are protected by federal labor law, which covers most private employers. In this case, which involved a non-unionized Costco warehouse, the NLRB ruled that the employer had committed unfair labor practices simply by maintaining a social media policy restricting certain employee activities. This decision sheds some further light on the NLRBs enforcement approach to social media issues, though it will certainly not be its last word on the issue. Stay tuned for further commentary here and further developments at the NLRB and in the courts.

Technology and the Workplace
NFL Ref Removed From Game Due to Facebook Photos (Lawffice Space) (ESPN)
NLRB Issues First Decision Striking Down Employer's Social Media Policy (Labor Relations Today) (Law 360)
Redskins' Josh Morgan Dealing with Twitter Death Threats After His Costly Blunder in Loss (CBS)
Hiring Obstacles That the Web Poses to College Grads (Employer Handbook)

Technology and the Law
Did Secret Romney Video Violate Florida Privacy Law? It Depends (ABA Journal) (WSJ)
Royal Family Wins Initial Round in Lawsuit Over Topless Photos of Sunbathing Duchess of Cambridge (ABA Journal) (NY Times)
Federal Court Finds That Student's Facebook Messages Are Protected Speech (WSJ) (Above the Law)
"Like" Button Leads to Obstruction of Justice Charge (Bluefield Daily Telegraph)
Mobile Device Privacy Act Introduced (Privacy & Security Law Blog)

There's an App for That
5 Apps That Can Help You Achieve Work-Life Balance (Huffington Post)
JetBlue to Offer Free In-Flight Wi-Fi in 2013 (CBS)
Jukebox Apps for the Party-Pleasing D.J. (NY Times)
GPS Shoes Navigate You Home (ABC)

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