Reflecting on the Presidents Behind Our Landmark Civil Rights and Employment Laws
Today is Presidents Day, or, as it is officially called, Washington's Birthday. We also celebrate Black History Month each February, making this month a time for reflection on the long history behind our country's efforts towards achieving equality in the workplace. In honor of both Presidents Day and Black History Month, I'm sharing the list below of Presidents who were in office when our country passed some of its landmark federal civil rights or employment laws, along with some interesting facts about each of the Presidents who played a role in the history behind our current workplace laws. Wishing you happy reading and a happy Presidents Day!
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President:
Issued the Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863
In office when the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, was passed in 1865
Born in a one room log cabin; mostly self-educated; kept goats as pets in the White House
Assassinated in 1865
Andrew Johnson, 17th President:
One of four Vice Presidents to become President due to his predecessors assassination
42 U.S.C. 1981, which prohibits race discrimination in business contracting and employment, was passed in 1866 over President Johnsons veto
A self-educated tailor; kept white mice as pets in the White House
First President to be impeached and kept his office by only one vote
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President:
Signed the National Labor Relations Act into law in 1935
Signed the Fair Labor Standards Act into law in 1938
Forced to wear a dress until he was 5; married his cousin, Eleanor; contracted polio at the age 39; had Scottish Terriers as pets in the White House
Only President elected to four terms
First President to name a woman, Frances Perkins, Secretary of State, to his cabinet
John F. Kennedy, 35th President:
Signed the Equal Pay Act, prohibiting gender discrimination in pay, into law in 1963
Youngest person to become President at age 43 and first Catholic President
In office during the civil rights movement and sent federal troops to support the desegregation of the University of Mississippi
White house pets included hamsters, cats, birds, and ponies
Assassinated in November 1963
Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President:
One of four Vice Presidents to become President due to his predecessors assassination
Signed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act into law in 1964, prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin
Signed Age Discrimination in Employment Act into law in 1967
Appointed first African American , Thurgood Marshall, to the US Supreme Court
First President to appoint an African American, Robert Weaver, HUD Secretary, to his cabinet
Kept beagles, hamsters, and lovebirds as pets in the White House; liked to take visitors for 90 mph rides in his Lincoln Continental at his Texas ranch
George H. W. Bush, 41st President:
Signed the 1989 law that established the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday
Signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law in 1990, prohibiting disability discrimination in employment
In office when amendments were made in 1991 to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 1981, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
Former Director of the CIA
Asked for President Nixons resignation in the name of the Republican Party
A book was published about his White House pet, a Springer Spaniel named Millie, and there are reports that Millie had her own room at the White House
Bill Clinton, 42nd President:
Signed the Family Medical Leave Act into law in 1991
Youngest governor when elected as Arkansas Governor at age 32
Second President to be impeached
White House pets included Socks, a cat, and Buddy, a chocolate lab; reported to have sent only 2 emails while President; known for playing the saxophone and jogging
Only President to have his wife later run for President
Barack Obama, 44th and Current President:
First African-American President
Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law in 2009, extending the time period for individuals to pursue gender-based wage discrimination claims
First President born outside the contiguous United States
Teenage dream was to play basketball, and high school nickname was Barry OBomber
White house pet is Bo, a Portuguese water dog