In this era of hyper self-promotion and cyber networking, through the wonders of social media, former employees are commonly creating some of the most incriminating evidence establishing their violation of non-compete and non-solicitation agreements. When employees switch jobs, they now frequently broadcast that changed status to all of their contacts through social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Among those contacts, however, may be a significant number of customers or clients of their now former employer. If the employees previously signed ...
Facebook, iMessages, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Confide, MessageMe, Popcorn, Glide, Tango, Viber, Whisper. . . . According to a recent post on the New York Times Bits blog, these are just some of the many different ways to message someone from your smartphone. So, what does this mean for employers? Among other things, it's probably time to update your technology and social media policy. Yes, again. With all of these mobile methods of communication, employers need to be aware that company information is likely traveling outside of old communication methods ...
R u liable 4 your employee's txt msg? In some situations, the answer may be yes. Two courts reviewed employee texting issues this week. The first court reviewed whether an employer can be liable for an employee's unauthorized disclosure of confidential health information via text message. The second court addressed whether a text message to a supervisor can qualify as a request for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act. These cases and the other articles linked below provide valuable insights for employers in determining best practices related to workplace ...
I have not followed NFL football for many years, but the recent NFL report about the Miami Dolphins definitely caught my attention. The report, prepared for the NFL by a New York law firm, concluded that Richie Incognito and other Miami Dolphin players inappropriately bullied and harassed offensive lineman Jonathan Martin through improper physical touching and by persistently taunting him with sexually explicit remarks about his mother and sister, and racist and homophobic slurs. Martin abruptly left the Miami Dolphins in 2013.
The flowers and chocolates that will be delivered to employee desks this week for Valentine's Day are a great reminder for employers to think about the best practices for approaching workplace romances. For more information on that front, read on below. Also, if this post is a reminder that you are behind on your Valentine's plans, check out the apps below for some ideas.
Meanwhile, love between lawmakers and technology is not in the air in Washington. A proposed bill to ban in-flight phone calls passed a committee vote this week and will now head to the House floor. In other news, a U.S ...
The Obama Administration announced this week that it will give employers with more than 50 but less than 100 employees one more year to comply with the Affordable Care Acts employer mandate. (But beware: You cant lay off workers to ensure that you fall below the 100 employee mark!) That means that these employers have until 2016 to provide insurance to full-time employees before being subject to any penalties for non-compliance.
As the world prepares this week for the start of the 2014 Winter Olympics, employers are being cautioned to address technology-induced liability. Many Fortune 500 companies have adopted policies banning employees' use of mobile devices while driving for work to avoid liability for a traffic accident caused by distracted-driving. The importance of workplace internet policies is also in the news this week, with an emphasis on policies that address an employers duty to report child pornography on a work device. You can read below about how to fight against technology-related ...